Business Coaching Services
Business Coaching is often an alternative or a compliment to a company's Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Our coaching provides employees with access to confidential and professional assistance when they need it. When employees recognize a concern and meet with their coach, the coach can help resolve concerns and prevent problems in the workplace. When problems do appear on the job, coaches help supervisors and managers work with employees to address the problems, seek and receive appropriate counseling or treatment, and return to work with renewed productivity.
Services to small businesses on an individual contract basis. These services can be on-site, face to face or virtual.
Studies by independent researchers and employers have consistently demonstrated the cost effectiveness, benefit, and value of EAPs. The Benefits of EAP According to the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, nearly a quarter of the U.S. workforce experiences a mental health or substance abuse disorder. Mental health issues cost U.S. companies about $63 billion a year. While about 28 percent of that accounts for treatment costs, 27 percent is associated with excessive absenteeism and 28 percent is associated with loss of productivity. In addition to costs associated with mental health issues, most of us experience additional “life problems” (i.e., divorce, death of a loved one, etc.) that contribute to health and productivity issues.